Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Museum Visit

The Museum I visited, Ripley's Believe it or Not in Hollywood, was quite interesting. It is full of artifacts that are interesting to look at, which easily kept people interested. I find that museums with only lots of things to read aren't all that interesting because, like poorly written hooks in essays, it fails to grab the attention of most people.

Also, there were many items that were not exhibits per se, but rather an interesting form of decoration. This could be a fountain that sends a bridge of water over the entrance to the museum, a one way mirror that people can experiment with facial expressions with, and a room with mirrors and rotating walls that suspends reality for some people. It's difficult to explain, but basically it looks like you're in a room that is spinning except for the "bridge" that you walk along to get to the other door of the room.

The colors were vibrant, but the museum was also informative as to interesting things that have happened, with full placards in some places to explain the event, as well as models of things/people that the stories are about. It was a very nice experience, and I hope to go again someday.

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